Body-Centered Psychotherapy

Body Centered Psychotherapy

Body Centered Psychotherapy is used to invite clients to change the way they see themselves and experience emotion.  It focuses on awareness of emotion and physical feelings and acceptance of these experiences as the path to deep healing. The ultimate goal is to bring clients into a state of balance using a process that provides emotional safety and support.

What Is Body Centered Psychotherapy?

Body Centered Psychotherapy is a talk-based therapy, a cousin of Gestalt therapy, and seeks to address the causes of unproductive or distressing behavior as opposed to attempting to change behavior directly (unless behavior is overtly abusive or destructive in nature).  An undesired behavior is seen as a defense mechanism that is used to avoid re-experiencing trauma or to avoid distressing feelings. Since trauma and feelings are held and experienced in the physical body, the body itself is seen as providing the road map for healing. The feelings coming from our body are trusted and respected as being reliable messages coming from our own spirit which guide us toward wholeness and health.

Healing the Body Centered Way

Healing is achieved through a process of reparenting the client. If the client was wounded through non-acceptance, the client is given acceptance. If the client was denied the need for a boundary, the client is taught how to have a boundary and given the support to enforce it. The client is invited to experience the pains of the wounds they have and given love, understanding and support for whatever feelings occur along the way. A deep sense of emotional safety is fostered in the client and the client is taught how to let in real support and to develop internal supports when external supports are not available. As the client heals, he or she voluntarily puts down unhealthy and unproductive behaviors. The process is gentle and is guided by the client’s own spirit. We trust that the client’s spirit knows what the client needs and brings up issues in the order in which they need to be addressed. As healing progresses, clients experience a slow but very real increase of satisfaction and enjoyment in life. It is a beautiful thing to behold.

Contact Us Today

Contact Free Spirit Psychotherapy, LLC to get psychotherapy treatment from Paul Lambert that will help you feel better about yourself, your relationships and your life.

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